Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Q: What happened to! suddenly disappeared liao?
A: is currently undergoing a makeover :D please do not be alarmed if you're unable to find the previous blog link.

Q: When will be continued?
A: Probably end of September/October 2008. Really sorry for the wait!

Q: Nana-chan, please be faster!
A: I'll try, ok? >_<

Q: Nana-chan, I wanna speak to you in private! MSN please!!
A: Just click on the email link in my profile and I'll reply you asap. No rubbish/spams, thanks!

Monday, 11 June 2007

Frequently asked questions =)

Q: Nana-chan, what software did you use to draw the pictures?
A: They are hand drawn using a pencil or a fountain pen (the pilot 1), then scanned into Photoshop for editing.

Q: Can I use your pictures on my site/blog/friendster/anywhere?
A: Yes, as long as you link them back to my blog and I am notified that you are using them. Plagarism is a crime, please respects works of respective owners.

Q: Nana-chan, can I link you on my blog/myspaces/webpage?
A: Yes. I would be glad if you wanna help me 'advertise'. haha!

Q: Nana-chan, is your surname Chan???
A: No. as defined in Wikipedia, Chan (ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“) is a diminutive suffix used to refer to or address children, animals, lovers, intimate friends, and people whom one has known since childhood. It is an informal version of "san" used to address children and female family members. "Chan" continues to be used as a term of endearment, especially for girls, into adulthood. Parents will probably always call their daughters "chan" and their sons "kun," though "chan" can be used towards boys just as easily. Adults will use "chan" as a term of endearment to women with whom they are on close terms.

Chan is used more among women than men and requires considerable intimacy to be used with adults with whom one has not known for an extended period of time or since their childhood. Furthermore, attaching chan to a modified stem is more intimate than attaching it to the full form of the basic name.

Although traditionally honorifics are not applied to oneself, some young women occasionally develop the habit of referring to themselves in the third person using chan. For example, a young woman named Maki might call herself Maki-chan rather than using a first person pronoun. Chan is also used for pets' names and when referring to animals, such as usagi-chan (or, more frequently, usa-chan: rabbit+chan)

If the speaker were to use this suffix to a person his/her age then he/she would have to realize that the ~chan suffix is a casual suffix and is mainly used only for girls, if they are the same age or only a little bit younger than the speaker. If a boy was to call another boy his name and add -chan onto the other boy's name, then it could be deemed as an insult, if the other boy didn't agree on that name, unless it was said as a joke, or under other circumstances.

The Japanese media use chan when mentioning pre-elementary school children and sometimes elementary-school girls.

Q: Where did you get all those ideas?
A: they fell from heaven :)

Q: Are those of your own experiences?
A: usually yes, but please take nanachan as a fictional character.

Q: Why are my comments deleted?
A: nasty or irrelevant spamming are not welcomed. Please do not abuse the commenting options, thanks.

Q: Are you an Art Student?
A: Good question.

Q: Can I add you or chat with you on MSN?
A: Erm.. =x

Q: Why you so dua pai one? I wanna be your friend mah..
A: o_O see how la, k?

Q: Pretty pweese?
A: O_O;;

Q: How do you look like in person?
A: Guess :D

anymore questions?